Sunday, February 27, 2011

A valiant attempt to get to sunshine ...

Today is sunday .. which normally does not have the glamour of saturday .. nor the happiness of friday but its still better than lets say wednesday or tuesday lol .. Today however is our last day before we are supposed to get serious and start school :) which I assure has been our top priority since we landed overseas :P

Being that today is sunday .. we decided to go to the sunshine coast which is north of brisbane ... unfortunately when we go the train exchange (Roma St.) the next train headed to the sunshine coast was in 2 hours .. but the next surfer's paradise train was in 9 minutes.. so we went back to the surfer's paradise .. and It was just as beautiful as friday lol and as beautiful as my GGF (gorgeous girlfriend dubbed by my faja :)

It was hot and beautiful as usual in Brisbane (I know what a shame)

Surfer's paradise
If this was facebook I would tag my shadow :P
Blue bottle jelly fish

So while I was swimming I thought I got tangled in some hair or something but then it started to sting .. when I tried to remove is I noticed it was wrapped around both my arms and back ... it turned out to be a portuguese man of war aka a blue bottle jelly fish ... it wasn't very big and only stung for an hour or so but sure gave me a panic attack ! :) lifeguard said I would be fine .. turns out he was right :) Lucky roger was next to me in the water and he helped me get it off ! Thanks ROG!!! :)

Tomorrow if my first day of class .. I'm excited to start .. but more vacation is always nice :P .. Also I will sign up for the gym tomorrow with Rog and I am definitely excited about that !

Lunches packed, fresh fruits cut and bagged, sandwiches made and refrigerated .. so tomorrow should be a good day ..

Till the next update!

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