Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Update from across the world

Hello all!

First : We miss you all a lot !!! :)

Second: As most of you already know I left on Sunday for Brisbane, Australia ! I have now landed and will use social networking to keep my family and friends and anyone else who is interested in the loop..

So far...

We got lucky at Trudeau airport because our baggage was overweight but the nice women at the front desk let us pass with no charge! :)

The flight to Vancouver was bearable lol saw some movies and chatted with roger about the trip.. food sucked but what else is new..

The flight to sydney was long .. very long but passed fast when you look back it in retrospec lol I made an app for my iphone that printed a message.. Hello world !

Once landed in sydney we passed customs and luckily the customs agent was greek and let us pass without any problems :) zito tin elada!

Brisbane is extremely hot and humid but a really nice place ! were are now settle in our appartment and are starting to get the hang of things :)

I will keep you all posted about our journeys abroad .. today we are going to school to register for courses and try to find a flight to NEW ZEALAND :)

Till the next update!

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