Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hottest weekends on record..

Brisbane and most of the south east section of queensland had one of its hottest weekends on record... and I know everyone from Montreal is saying: "boo hoo, we are freezing and getting clobbered with snow" haha but my AC sucks and so its very very hot .. luckily the temperature will come down tomorrow :)

Having been away from home for 3 weeks now I can easily say and with confidence that I appreciate my family and especially my mom that much more now ... Cleaning, cooking, laundry and other random responsibilities are tough to handle all at once ! and I don't know how my parents do it and work full time and deal with things like their son and daughter's traveling ambitions lol

I can also say with confidence that Montreal is one of the best cities in the world! For one thing the water here sucks (but NZ's was good) ! 2nd the internet is 5 yrs behind and I haven't got a solid connection since I left home ! 

Tomorrow is our first official day of orientation :) we have a complete say booked with Tuesday looking the same :) wednesday -> friday look pretty empty so far so if its nice weather maybe we will hit the coast ;)

On a final note I can also say with great confidence that I love Diana Dello Russo :) (just thought i would add that in for those who DIS-like our facebook expressions of love :P )

Till the next update !

Here the my youtube video of a kangaroo :)

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