Sunday, February 27, 2011

My first day at school and the blistering heat that accompanied it :)

Another very hot and humid day in Brisbane .. this time instead of being on the beach I was running between mostly canceled classes .. In engineering we have three types of courses.. Lectures, practicals and tutorials ... In the first week of uni all but the lectures are canceled lol but its a good idea to show up to the room just in case the prof is a keener :) 

Besides that we checked out the gym .. it was far too hot to train today so we just came home and did some swimming :)

Some sort of lizard we saw on campus

A view of the scenery on campus near the sports facilities

The great court, center of the campus
So far the courses seem good (although I have only had one lol) I should have have a better idea of the classes by the end of the week ! :)

Till the next update!

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