Friday, February 25, 2011

Gold Coast :)

After over 3 weeks down under we finally made it to the beach ! Yesterday we went to the gold coast, 70 km of beautiful beaches and action.. we went to surfer's paradise the capital of the gold coast and the most commercial region.. The gold coast is much more than beaches .. it is one of Australia's biggest tourist zones and one the top ten largest agglomerations of population .. Its kinda like fort Lauderale meets miami with big high rises and hotels and a very happy go lucky party scene .. It took us two hours to get there and two hours to get back lol so we didn't spend too much time on the beach .. it is very wavy and the lifeguards isolate where people can swim as there is a very strong rip current that will drown even the best of swimmers..

All is all the beach is beautiful :) like my gf Diana (more stuff for you to read pops :P )

By the time we made it back to our flat we were exhausted and crashed out watching transformers lol

One of the gold coast's tallest buildings

A picture I took while laying on the beach

The entrance to the main part of the surfer's paradise beach

South Brisbane, the brown water is due to the floods
Also I am happy to hear my aunt, uncle and cousin made it on their vacation ok despite the 40 cm of snow my dad was telling me he shoveled !!! :)

Till the next update!

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