Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The rescue :)

It is hard to remember everything you want to blog about when your blogging .. hence this blog about a
rescue me and Roger performed when kayaking through the rapids in queenstown..

Roger and I were often in the back of the group because we were taking pictures and videos .. as we were cruising down the river we saw a girl floating in the water .. so we banked our kayak on the first island we saw and got off.. she was unfortunately an island away and she could not cross between because the current was too strong... So we devised a plan to save them :) we took our kayak at laid it the length between the two islands and then I held the kayak as roger went out to grab the girl ! they both jumped in the kayak as I pulled them in ... We saved the day ! :)

On another note here is a video of DOLPHINS :)
I took it while we were in milfred sound on the overnight cruise :) 

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