Friday, February 4, 2011

Culture shock 101

So having been here for 4 or so days now I can say that there is definitely a difference between OZ and MTL... albeit smaller and MTL and China...

Here are a few so far ...

First : Brisbane is not a city made for walking.. there are soo many hills and its way too hot .. and the distance are large ...

The charge for using a visa is approximately 2% and is almost always passed to the consumer !

People are very friendly !

Scandalous is the dress code .. I guess its due to the hot weather...

Crossing the street particularly for those who are used to driving on the other side of the road can be more dangerous than crocodiles, kangaroos and spiders combined!

When traveling everyone is taking a cut.. exchange your money has a fee, using your credit card has a fee, paying your rent online has a fee, using internet has a fee (they actually have internet stations in the mall !!! .. so 2000's lol).. 

More will follow I'm sure ;)

Till the next update!

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