Saturday, February 19, 2011

Extreme #2

Two words.... SKY DIVING :)

The plane me and Roger jumped out of :)
 There is something that happens to your body when you jump out of a plane and the only thing that holds you between life and death is a chute and a guy named Ted from Connecticut whose been pulling your leg all morning about how he's hungover from a late night last night and he hopes he packed the chute properly :)
My face after jumping out of a plane
 As you can see the rush was awesome and simply nothing you can explain in words.. it felt as if all the synapses in my brain were firing at once but my body could not move ... it was overwhelming, petrifying and absolutely AWESOMEE :)
Eating our victory fergburger burgers :)
 These burgers were huge !! :)
Luging down the mountain :)

They do a luge down the mountain side .. it was fun but not a thrill after skydiving :)

When they said Queenstown was extreme they weren't kidding ... still one day left I wonder what tomorrow will bring ..

Till the next update!

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