Saturday, February 19, 2011

Extreme is not the word...

So we're now in queenstown... our first night we had dinner at the skyline restaurant which had awesome food and was atop the mountain which gave a spectacular view of lake wakatipu.. which is shaped in form of a sleeping giant.. the story goes that there used to be a giant spirit that would steal people from neighboring villages and eat them or use them as slaves.. one day the giant stole the princess from the neighboring village and they didn't take too kindly to that.. so they burned him while he slept and him body carved out the lake wakatipu and filled with glacier water... don't think this is a true story but makes for a good blog post... it is what the maori people say about the lake... also the lake's tide rises and falls as much as 2m hourly .. they say this is the giant's heart still beating below the lake ... in any case the lake is a beautiful blue color and the view from the mountain was ... well look at the picture :P
View from the coach as we drove to Queenstown

View from atop the skyline restaurant
That night we went to buffalo bar with the group where me and rog won a t-shirt :)

Till the next update!

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