Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hiking the Glaciers !

So last night was fun.. met up with another canadian (oshawa) and we chilled.. we was from the kiwi experience tour and was living in wellington for 6 months as a horticulturist ...

In the morning we had breakfast and hopped on the contiki coach bus ! to head to the fox glacier.. which is essentially a huge river of ice flowing down the side of a mountain :) we took a helicopter to approximately 500m above sea level and hiked upwards towards the neve (where the snow melt and becomes an ice river) what is spectacular above fox glacier is that it is growing and not receding as virtually all other glaciers are doing today.. The scenes from the glacier were awesome and the pictures just don't do it justice ...

After the hike we got back on the bus and headed to our next stop .. QUEENSTOWN, the capital of extreme sports ;)

On top of 150m of moving ice...

I drank that water and it was awesome :)

Me and Rog on the glacier :)
Canyon behind me is 15 ft deep..

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