Friday, February 18, 2011

Meeting Contiki!

So when we booked our travels with the travel agent we had absolutely no idea what we were getting ourselves into .. :) we decided on going with a tour group called Contiki !!! they specialize in holiday travels for young people.  The trip consists of traveling the south island of NZ starting from Wellington (nations capital and only city i saw in the north island) by coach tour bus with 25 other people who all love traveling and want to see new zealand!

So we left wellington early in the morning took a ferry between the two islands :) the scenes were absolutely stunning and throughout the ferry ride me and roger were discussing which activities we should do in the south island (the options ranged from canyon swing to glacier hikes)

View from the back of the ferry
Once off the ferry we jumped on a new coach and began our journey across the south island of beautiful New Zealand ! That night we made it to Christchurch but on the way we stopped to see fur seals :)
Little brown blobs are fur seals
Christchurch night life was pretty dead .. me and rog went looking for some action in the city but found it to be pretty flat .. sure did miss Montreal that night :P but none the less we had a good time exploring a new city !

Till the next update!

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