Thursday, February 24, 2011

Haircut and the City

So today I got my first haricut in brisbane :) The guy who cut it was named Amir and he was Lebanese and remind me of Chadi .. most likely because he was Lebanese and cut hair really well :)

I don't know why youtube turned a 13 second movie into 1:03 but just fastforward it .. I just rotate around lol nothing too exciting :P

We also went to the city .. its pretty busy .. much busier than our small suburb .. we had lunch at a place called nando's its a very good potuguese grilled chicken place with special spices from India :)

Living with Roger has built up my spice immunity .. We ordered extra hot and I still added more hot sauce :) mom will be happy when I come back home :)

The city has a huge promenade with the street riding un-noticeably underneath it .. leaving plenty of space from people to walk around shop, have drinks or go for a bite to eat ... most of the malls have large open entrances, same with some of the shops .. its obvious they don't have to cope with harsh winters lol

Almost forgot to mention ... I opened up a bank account with wespac :) No my love I am not taking off my select plan with TD (which was awesome so far btw I have been doing all kinds of transactions) :P I simply need a aussie account to do automatic withdrawals for my gym membership at the school .. for some reason that the only way you can pay the membership .. but they guy who helped me was awesome and he even opened me up a savings account at 5% .. although I have no money to put in the savings account it nice to have in case .. :P

Till the next update!

1 comment:

  1. Hey man! They had Nando's in London when I visited Rachelle! It was really good! Btw sick haircut, very stylish! Frosche United 3 - 0 Fc... You win! :P LOL
    Much love!
    Pb xox
    Btw, did I mention uber jealous of everything you're doing??
