Tuesday, March 1, 2011

We have become..... thrifty !

In short today we woke up went to school and then hit the gym :) Classes were good we're really starting to get a feel for the classes ... they seem interesting and I am excited to get into it... The gym was awesome .. well the actual just was OK... nothing like atlantis and definitely nothing like Chez Chris :) but it will do the trick for the time I am here .. but hitting the gym just felt great!! :) 

We are also learning our way around the campus :)

Now about thriftiness .. tonight was cheapy tuesday at Dominos so we picked up pizza to eat lol also singed up for the gym and got a free bank account to pay for it because it was cheaper :)

As todays blog isn't as exciting as the ones about bungie jumping or skydiving here is a video of a beautiful canyon cut out by the glaciers :)

Til the next update !

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