Friday, March 11, 2011

Connectivity !

The apartment has internet but its pretty slow.. and the connectivity in my room is bad .. but I have come to discover that one of the telephone looking outlets is actually ethernet :) and so I went out and bought an ethernet cable and voila ! faster better internet that I can use to call my family and friends :)

On another note we were supposed to be taking a road trip this weekend but the rental agency wouldn't rent us the car because our licenses are in french and they couldn't be responsible to translate taille : 1.67m to height: 1.67m lol but we are looking for a solution :) I even tried calling the Canadian high consulate but they were jerks and brushed me off ... oh well .. the best part of the conversation with the rental agency is that they told me they wouldn't be able to match the french and english versions of my name hahaha

Till the next update!

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