Sunday, March 6, 2011

Just in case :)

This blog is dedicated to "just in case"

Just in case you thought I wasn't partying while I was down under :P

Just in case you thought that bananas we're cheap because of the nice weather around here
Banana prices have skyrocketed due to the floods and cyclone Yasi

We did groceries again today :) fruits and vegetables don't seem to keep to long down here .. maybe the hot weather .. or the low quality produce .. lol which is directly related to the low price we want to pay for the produce lol

And we like the nando's restaurant sauce so much we brought a bottle back home with us :)

Notice the label ! Extra HOT!
 We now have two chefs in the kitchen in our flat (me and rog) .. I'm not used to cooking spicy because only few of us at home like it really hot ... roger is not used to cooking without spice .. because "it just has no taste" -Roger Fernando lol so I have built up quite the immunity to spices.. I will come home a little Sri Lankan :)

Today was the first day I did some homework :S it was inevitable but I didn't have that much :) Week 2 starts tomorrow work should start to pile up soon and I should feel right back at home :P

Till the next update!

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