Wednesday, March 2, 2011

School is underway..

Today was our third day at school .. classes are starting to get underway.. need to get books, papers, notebooks ... but classes seem fun and interesting :) Were really getting the hang of dinner .. on sunday we had prepared some stuff for the week like hamburger paties we put in the freezer, pasta sauce, pre-cut fruits vegetables and salads :) tonight we whipped up an awesome dinner with leftovers in less than 45 minutes :) which is an improvement from the hour it usually takes us lol

Tonight we gonna go out with the friends we have made from our apartment :) just a quick drink at the local bar :) then bed for tomorrow's classes ! ...

I hear my aunt has been having a blast and kicking things up a notch on vaca :) you go girl !!

Also we bought a 4 liter jug of wine lol don't worry we haven't drank it yet and will take our time but this is the drink of choice amongst the students since alcohol is so expensive ( nearly twice the price for hard liquor compared to MTL) the 4 liters is basically the leftovers from all the wines and they call it "goon" lol I'll let you know how it tastes.. money is that it will be disgusting

Went to the gym for a second time in a row and my body is really aching :) getting out of bed tomorrow will be fun :S

Till the next update !

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