Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Over 1000 hits :) and a great dinner !

If you check the counter on the right hand side of the page you can see that I now have more than 1000 hits on my blog :) which is awesome because it shows me that my family and friends are keeping tabs on me !! (I think 900 of which are from my GGF)

I figured we have made so many nice dishes that our mothers would be so proud of but I haven't taken any pictures .. so tonight we went out of our way to make a great meal and take a picture :)

Its funny because now I will do stuff during the day and be like that would make a good blog post :P

So without further a due here is the meal for tonight and tomorrow's lunch :)

Curried beef with rice and potatoes.. and yes its quite spicy!

Till the next update !

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