Friday, May 20, 2011

Underwater world!!

When we went to Melbourne we were supposed to do a shark walk but it was full :( and Diana was devastated ! So I told her when we got back to Brisbane we would book to do a scuba dive with the sharks in sunshine coast!! :) These are the pictures that result from putting your foot in your mouth :)

Sunshine Coast!

Coral ... so pretty!


More tropical fish!

Nemo and the anemone


Imagine these teeth 2 inches from your face!
Picture of a picture we got from the dive!
 The dive was a lot of fun but when you first get in the tank and the sharks swim around you and brush past you its so scary .. you have to keep your hands in front of you so they don't think you're trying to capture them and bite you ! :S

Till the next udpate!

1 comment:

  1. OMG Dim and Diana, you guys are nuts....I would have passed out to say the least. Wow these are awesome pictures you guys captures! Amazing!!!!
