Saturday, May 14, 2011

More about our holidays!

On our last day in Melbourne we visited the museum, walked around some more watched an Imax movie about the elephants and chimpanzees and saw fast and the furious 5 at night :)

in front of the Melbourne museum

Fall in Melbourne
 We then took the plane to Hamilton Island in the Great Barrier Reef and met up with more awesome family :) Krystina and Plaitis!  We checked into to our hotel and took a walk on the beach :)  the first few days were cloudy but no worries the later blogs will have some sun :)
The first view off the plane in Great Barrier Reef, Hamilton Island

The view on the beach on our first day
 Just a little food outside attracts some friendly visitors...
Cockatoos everywhere!

Our balcony :)

The view from our balcony
 Till the next update!

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