Sunday, May 29, 2011


For those of you that worry about my eating ... Here a picture of todays snack :)

Till the next update!

Location:Staff House Rd,St Lucia,Australia

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Paniyiri! :)

So I made a mission to go the paniyiri ! :) and it was very nice ! I went on saturday night, it rained but was stil pretty busy :) it was nice to hear some greek music and I had roger try some loucoumades and octopus and spanakopita :) hte food was OK.. nothing like MTL but still nice to have something half traditional lol ... the music was good and there was big rides and and a dancefloor with a lice dj :)

It all took place in mustgrave park in southbank (which is a very nice are) and then the party continued to the greek club lol

I took some pictures but it wasn't too easy considering the rain and how wet we were getting :(

Some of the rides!

Bumper cars!

Fireworks behind the trees

What they call honey puffs lol

The guy told me it was the best octopus he ever ate .. it was the worst for me lol

Nothing compared to yiayias

The paniyiri

The greek club

Till the next update!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Seaworld!!! :)

Seaworld was great fun! They had an amazing fish enclosure and a fantastic dolphin show! :) Lots of videos that I will post next!

Diana and one of our favorite animals of the day!

Gold Coast

Dolphin enclosure and show

Sea stuff (fish, starfish and cucumber)

Another spectacular colored fish

Moma shark (she's pregnant)

Diana was so happyyyyy

A scuba diver cleaning the observation glass


March of the Penguins!!!

Emperor Penguins!

Sesame street characters

Chillen in the water

He was always moving so it was hard to get a good shot...
Till the next update!

Underwater world!!

When we went to Melbourne we were supposed to do a shark walk but it was full :( and Diana was devastated ! So I told her when we got back to Brisbane we would book to do a scuba dive with the sharks in sunshine coast!! :) These are the pictures that result from putting your foot in your mouth :)

Sunshine Coast!

Coral ... so pretty!


More tropical fish!

Nemo and the anemone


Imagine these teeth 2 inches from your face!
Picture of a picture we got from the dive!
 The dive was a lot of fun but when you first get in the tank and the sharks swim around you and brush past you its so scary .. you have to keep your hands in front of you so they don't think you're trying to capture them and bite you ! :S

Till the next udpate!


After having finished the bulk of my work I decided to take a few days off to spend with my GFF ! :)
We went to dreamworld and had an amazing time!! here are some pictures that followed !
Ice Cream!! (this ones for pops)

Thanks to the nice gentleman who offered to take this picture :)

Beautiful Bengal Tiger!

More beauty!

As you can see I loved the tigers...

Yes more tiger pictures.. :) figured mom would like to see some exotic animals

the cat was hopping around on 3 legs because he didn't want to wet his paws :)

Cute dingos!

Koala in a ball :P

The joker!

White tiger Mohan!
Me after the log ride !

They looked so cute and fun to play with lol

Till the next update!

Dancing in the city!!!

So on the last night that Krystina and Plaitis were in Brisbane we went out to the city (downtown area) and spent the night eating and walking around :) I already blogged about Krystinas bday celebration but here are some pictures about the rest of that night ! :)
Krystina and Plaitis dancing !

Love Bums :)
Till the next update!

The actions and adventures of the awesome five :)

When I am writing this blog all my visitors have already left .. but we have some great memories and some awesome stories so it makes saying goodbye worth it :) The first week Roger and I were busy with school work so our visitors took care of themselves and us by doing the laundry, cooking, shopping :) But by the first weekend we were dying to go back out on another adventure ! so we jumped on the train and headed to Australia Zoo!

One of our first meals with the visitors (I did 0 work :) )

Diana and Koalas! We all have pictures with us holding the Koalas!

Elephants!!! :)

Croc Show!! :)

The whole group with the Australia Zoo Mascot!

A big snake for my moma! :)

What a big cat!!

Visitors plus apartment guests :) Lots of action!

The results of having your sister in your apartment (snacks while you study)

At UQ campus !

Plaitis wasn't feeding the ROO fast enough

CROCS!!! and not the ones on your feet!
Till the next update!

ps there are videos of all of these blogs but I will upload them after I'm done writing about all of our adventures!