Thursday, April 7, 2011


Hello all my followers !

Its been a while since my last post .. I have been studying and doing homework for the past week lol .. but in an effort to keep my blog updated and continue to study I have downloaded an app for my iphone which allows be to blog on the run :) long live technology lol

In other Aussie news bananas are now over $12/kg lol and they still taste bad lol I have a picture but haven't uploaded it because my hard drive is full with the new pictures I've been taking on our adventures :) but no worries the cavalry is coming (1.5 terabytes of memory from MTL ) 

The beauty of having your own blog is you can plug stuff you like lol like the magazine below which is awesome and was sent to me by my amazing GGF :)

ID maazine ! :)
Its staring to get colder around here .. like 20-30 degrees is the average high of the day lol .. but people here are already wearing leather jackets and hoodies ... its as if they wait all year to wear their "winter" clothes .. kind of like Montreal but instead of throwing on the tank tops and short shorts for the summer, here they throw on jackets for the winter ., (even if I'm still wearing shorts)

I'm off to class :)

Till the next update !

which will now be on the go with my new App ;)

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