Sunday, April 10, 2011

Thank You !

Almost at the halfway mark of my adventure down under ... time flies when you are having fun :)

Despite that I miss all my family and friends back home and know that when I'm jumping off bridges, or out of planes or cooking some new concoction from whatever is in my fridge and I thinking of how this is an absolutely amazing experience and that I would not have been able to do it without the help and support of my family, my amazing GGF and my friends !

I am so grateful to have such wonderful people in my life :)

On a less sappy note i would like to take this ooportunity to let you all know that we have coined tuesdays pizza and movie night (as dominos and the rental place down the street have cheapy tuesday specials) and we have been watching lots of classic disney movies (you eventually run out of good hollywood types)

Till the next update!

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