Saturday, April 16, 2011

A first tough week :)

For the first time since we began our adventure this week we stayed in all week and did nothing but studying :) .. We had initially decided that we were just going to aim to do average and pass our courses ... but we realized we are too much of over achievers to slack off .. so we studied hard and did well .. (3 assignments and a midterm later)

It also helps when you are less than 4 says from seeing your beautiful girlfriend and less than 6 days away from another vacation :) I'm not sure if I mentioned it before but the plans for the 10 easter break is to leave for Melbourne on the sunday, spend 4 nights in Melbourne with the Greeks and the Italians :) and then head out to the Great Barrier Reef for 4 more nights before heading back to Brisbane :) Even better is that my awesome sister and my friend Plaitis are going to meet us at the airport in the Great Barrier Reef :) So that will motivate you to do your work and suck it up :)

But this is easier to say after the week is done :)

Till the next update!

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