Tuesday, June 7, 2011

WA roadtrip ! Where the ocean meets the sky, I'll be sailing !

Once we pickup our car from the rental agency we headed off with map in hand and adventure on the horizon :)

We basically picked up a tourist magazine / brochure for the western coast of australia and stopped at every spot that looked interesting :) We make pitstops all along the coast for and eventually stopped for the night in a 600 person town called Cervantes and slept in a national park called the Pinnacles where we watched the stars, which we're simply no describable .. there were millions of them and the brightest thing around us was the moon which was 1/10 full and acted like a giant street light in the dark sky.  Once the moon dissapeared (around 2 oclock) the sky was absolutely magnificent .. I could actually see the milky way (clouds of stars streaking across the sky)

Me and Rog in front of the WA coast at one of many beautiful stops

A pier where people were fishing for Whitie (i guess a type of fish lol)
The first major stop was at a town known for its sand surfing just 1 hour out of perth.  It was like a movie, huge mountains of sand and lots of people on dirt bikes and quad bikes driving around the mountains.

Me, a sandsurf board and our beloved hyundai i30

the view from the top of the sand dunes

What looks like the desert, but only a few kms from the beach

Sand surfing!

the climb
quadbikes tearing it up

exhausted from climbing the dunes
After surfing we hit the road again headed for a small town called Cervantes to eat and sleep the night.  we found a beautiful national park with limestone rocks protruding from the ground and drove around there while watching the stars.  The night in the desert gets cold around 9 degrees celcius so falling asleep and missing the stars wasn't an issue because we would get up every two hours to turn the car on anyways :)

Till the next update!

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing, endless exchange Dim. You are a born traveler and brave explorer, nothing stops or scares you! WOW can't wait for the full album of pix when you are back home!
