Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Along our exchange we have met a varied group of people from all over the world :) One of our friends Tobi (from Deutschland) will be staying in Oz after his exchange with his girlfriend to travel so he purchased a camper van. Its typical australian to buy a camper van filled with travelling stuff like fold away chairs and portable grills lol

We took the van up the coast of queensland till Noosa Heads (a beach area about 2 hours north of Brisbane)  We stopped along the way like real backpackers at every beach or beautiful lookout and slept the night in the van in the parking lot of the lookout point called arkwright lookout.  There we woke up in the morning to see the sunrise before continuing our journey around Noosa :)

Along the weekend we stopped at garage sales, looked for koalas and turtles in the wild and hiked up and down the mountains

The view from the top of mount beerburum

Our first garage sale :)

Point arkwright

The view of the beach from point arkwright

Dinner clean-up :)

The van!! :)

The sunrise :)

My new desktop background


An crazy adventurer on a rock
There are tons more pictures but I can show you all when I get back to MTL :) ps so far I've taken over 6000 pictures and videos !

Till the next update !

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