Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Stradebroke Island :)

So its been a while since I blogged .. I have been super busy with end of semester and enjoying every minute of whats left of an amazing exchange :)

Today we had a cleaning inspection (which we passed with flying colors) and yesterday we got back from perth (which I will write about in my next blogs)

So a couple of weeks ago we went to an Island called Stradebroke island right off the coast of Brisbane :)

it started off as a rainy day but got nicer once we got to the island but that meant there was no one there .. the beach was completely desert and we had kilometers of sand and water to ourselves :)  the weather was nice but not exactly swimming weather but we did get our feet wet :)

A gorge near the main beach

Roger and Dave racing off into the distance

Looking towards the lookout point

Our tent :)

Dave drawing in the sand :)
It was amazing to have an entire beach to ourselves with nothing else around .. there was no city near the beach.  Closest thing was 10 minute walk and was a little cafe and a bus stop.

Till the next update!

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