Saturday, April 23, 2011

Made it to melbourne

We have made it to Melbourne!! Its much colder here than brisbane but looks much more like mtl with leaves falling people in fall colors and below 20 degree temperature :( but we are having a blast :) we have complimentary internet so i will be able to update my blog from the hotel and when we get ba k to brisbane i will post all the pictures and more stories :)

Yesterday we went to the MCG stadium but the tours were all done for the day so we will go back today.. We walked around had lunch and saw the busy city center ... We took the railcar (tram) around the city and saw a lot interesting places to visit over the next few days :)

Should be lots of fun !!

Till the next update!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My princess has arrived :)

After 11 weeks away from each other my GGF is has finally arrived in Brisbane :) .. unfortuately for her after 2 days of travel she only gets a day brak before we head out to melbourne and GBR .. oh well :)

Besides that all is well in Brisbane .. its a sunny day and my last day of classes before vacation :)

I look forward to updating my blog with the great adventures and pictures we will have from our vacation .. so followers stay tuned :)

Till the next update!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The right away...

Warning about Brisbane: This is not a walking city ! We have made the mistake of thinking that pedestrians have the right away and have been honked at several .. several times lol :) and we always respond with a courteous gesture :P (Quebec style)  Turns out that pedestrians yield for cars here .. I guess its still better than China where you would cross at your own risk :)

Till the next update !

Waterproof Camera :)

Since we're headed to the Great Barrier Reef and will definitely do some snorkeling I bought a plastic bag contraption to waterproof my camera :) so all my followers will get some great pics of the fishies in the most beautiful coral reef in the word :)

Lets hope this works :S
Till the next update!

A first tough week :)

For the first time since we began our adventure this week we stayed in all week and did nothing but studying :) .. We had initially decided that we were just going to aim to do average and pass our courses ... but we realized we are too much of over achievers to slack off .. so we studied hard and did well .. (3 assignments and a midterm later)

It also helps when you are less than 4 says from seeing your beautiful girlfriend and less than 6 days away from another vacation :) I'm not sure if I mentioned it before but the plans for the 10 easter break is to leave for Melbourne on the sunday, spend 4 nights in Melbourne with the Greeks and the Italians :) and then head out to the Great Barrier Reef for 4 more nights before heading back to Brisbane :) Even better is that my awesome sister and my friend Plaitis are going to meet us at the airport in the Great Barrier Reef :) So that will motivate you to do your work and suck it up :)

But this is easier to say after the week is done :)

Till the next update!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

One thing I don't miss..

I just realized I never mentioned that despite Australian being notorious for insects and scary creatures there are virtually no flies, mosquitoes or wasps :) which makes picnics, BBQ, and eating outside in general AWESOME!!! :)

Till the next mosquito-free update :)

Coteletes and cheapy tuesday madness!

So we had some bread that got hard and I figured we should make coteletes so Roger could try them...  It was an epic fail.. they tasted awesome but nothing like the amazingness that is my moms and zia connies coteletes :)

It was a mess cooking them :)

The madness that is cheapy tuesday Dominos

Till the next update!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


New views have come out for blogger :) you can check them out at and choose from the drop down menu on the upper right hand side ... my personal favorite is the mosaic :)

Till the next update!

Thank You !

Almost at the halfway mark of my adventure down under ... time flies when you are having fun :)

Despite that I miss all my family and friends back home and know that when I'm jumping off bridges, or out of planes or cooking some new concoction from whatever is in my fridge and I thinking of how this is an absolutely amazing experience and that I would not have been able to do it without the help and support of my family, my amazing GGF and my friends !

I am so grateful to have such wonderful people in my life :)

On a less sappy note i would like to take this ooportunity to let you all know that we have coined tuesdays pizza and movie night (as dominos and the rental place down the street have cheapy tuesday specials) and we have been watching lots of classic disney movies (you eventually run out of good hollywood types)

Till the next update!

Weekend = Success

This weekend was a huge success :) we studied all day saturday then went out and partied hard on at night and on sunday we spent the day on the beach with a nice picnic and some relaxation :)

Mooloolaba was much busier this weekend than the last time we went :)

Same spot but nicer weather :)


Now another week starts .. this should shape up to be quite busy with my first mid semester exam on saturday morning ..

On another awesome note ! My GGF will be here in a bit more than a week :) yay!! and we will be leaving for Melbourne and the great barrier reef when she gets here! :) Flights and accomodation are all booked :) so my blog will get a boost of interesting topics in a couple of weeks! :)

Till the next update !

Thursday, April 7, 2011

First from mobile

Here is the picture of the bananas :)

My study session monday outside on a beautiful day .. Makes homework feel ... Less like crap :)

Till the next update!

Location:University Dr,St Lucia,Australia


Hello all my followers !

Its been a while since my last post .. I have been studying and doing homework for the past week lol .. but in an effort to keep my blog updated and continue to study I have downloaded an app for my iphone which allows be to blog on the run :) long live technology lol

In other Aussie news bananas are now over $12/kg lol and they still taste bad lol I have a picture but haven't uploaded it because my hard drive is full with the new pictures I've been taking on our adventures :) but no worries the cavalry is coming (1.5 terabytes of memory from MTL ) 

The beauty of having your own blog is you can plug stuff you like lol like the magazine below which is awesome and was sent to me by my amazing GGF :)

ID maazine ! :)
Its staring to get colder around here .. like 20-30 degrees is the average high of the day lol .. but people here are already wearing leather jackets and hoodies ... its as if they wait all year to wear their "winter" clothes .. kind of like Montreal but instead of throwing on the tank tops and short shorts for the summer, here they throw on jackets for the winter ., (even if I'm still wearing shorts)

I'm off to class :)

Till the next update !

which will now be on the go with my new App ;)