Sunday, July 10, 2011

Back home :)

Its been a little over a week now that I have been home and so far I have had numerous parties thrown in my name, got to spend time with my family and loved ones and celebrated my birthday and Canada day with beautiful weather.  If I had known I would have got such an amazing welcoming I would have come back sooner :P

Travelling across the world really makes you appreciate what you have right in your own backyard.  Montreal is a beautiful city and I am very proud to call it my home.  We live in a beautiful country and I hope I will someday say I have traveled it like I traveled Australia.  In the meantime I can remember the great times I had in Australia and gaze at my desktop screen savers while I work hard to pay down my debt :)

Australia was a fantastic trip and a wonderful experience.  I grew as an individual, have become more confident in myself and the things I can achieve and have taken some really nice photos and experienced some once in a lifetime events :) I want to first thank all of those who have supported me through this journey with mailed care packages or with emails and words of encouragement :) I missed you all while I was away and I am happy to be able to see all of your wonderful faces again in person! :) 

I have done crazy stuff like scuba diving, rafting, sky diving and bungie jumping.  I hiked through rainforests and deserts and surfed beautiful beaches and even though my exchange has now come to an end, I will keep my new found sense of adventure and continue to travel and live life to the fullest.  Already since I have been back I learned to shoot a rifle, went camping and took on life with a new revitalized spirit !

This may be the end of the Australia chapter for now, but isn't the last you will hear from the traveling nerd :)

Thanks to all my loyal fans and supporters! especially my GGF and my family :)

Till the next update!

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