Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Lamborghini anyone ?

We went to San Francisco and went looking for motivation to work.  This is what we found :)

Car dealership in SF.. very nice car dealership
Thanks to the really cool gentleman who let the 3 broke software devs into his dealership to look and take pictures with his cars :) If I buy a lambo in SF I will definitely buy it from him LOL

SF is a beautiful city.

Here is a quick video of some of the footage I got :)

Till the next update,


ps I went to LA and Vegas this last weekend so watch out for the next video

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

On the road again ..

It didn't take long before I was back to my old ways.  We rented a car over the weekend and covered close to 800 miles.

Saturday started with Korean BBQ and thrift shopping for some old ski clothes for us to wear on sunday to go skiing.  Followed by a trip to san francisco to see Lombard street and the golden gate bridge.  After which we drove around the bay area and had chinese food in Oakland.

Sunday we woke up "early" and hit the road headed to lake Tahoe.  It was absolutely breathtaking.  Its on the border of California and Nevada so there was plenty of Casinos and nice ski resorts.  People were skiing in minimal clothing ..  It was so strange to see people in ski gear getting changed into shorts and Ts in the parking lot.  We never made it to ski since we took too long to get to the mountain, maybe another weekend.

Here are some pictures of our weekend and a video because you all know how much I love using my gopros

Golden Gate

Me James and Peter

Sunset from a vista point near the GG

One part of Lake Tahoe


GoPro FUN 

Lake Tahoe

and.... here's the video :)

Till the next update,


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Its been a while...

Hello world  ! .. again

I have been on a few travels since the last time I wrote here but I found myself in a very familiar  circumstance yesterday and thought it deserved to blogged about.  The circumstance? I was grocery shopping with my colleagues and said to myself.. "I miss home cooking".  For those of you who don't know I am currently in Sunnyvale California with 2 of my colleagues coding our brains out.  We went shopping at the closest place we can get groceries ( Costco) which is about a 20 minute walk.  We were walking through the aisles and I could see all the great food that I would normally throw in the carriage if I was shopping with my mom but didn't since I was paying the bill this time. Don't worry I don't miss it enough to head home just yet :P and yes I am spoiled.

Other than that Sunnyvale is a nice quiet place and being in the silicon valley is a great experience (Thanks OOHLALA ! )

If history repeats itself I will surely be updating this blog with a few adventures while I am here ;)

Nice to be back.

Here's some pics I've taken since I've been here
Costco pricing on Alcohol.. something MTL doesn't have

Closest to home cooking we can get

Sign in front of our complex

3am.. waiting for our Treasure hunt game to end.. why not play some D&D

Till the next update,      