Sunday, July 10, 2011

Back home :)

Its been a little over a week now that I have been home and so far I have had numerous parties thrown in my name, got to spend time with my family and loved ones and celebrated my birthday and Canada day with beautiful weather.  If I had known I would have got such an amazing welcoming I would have come back sooner :P

Travelling across the world really makes you appreciate what you have right in your own backyard.  Montreal is a beautiful city and I am very proud to call it my home.  We live in a beautiful country and I hope I will someday say I have traveled it like I traveled Australia.  In the meantime I can remember the great times I had in Australia and gaze at my desktop screen savers while I work hard to pay down my debt :)

Australia was a fantastic trip and a wonderful experience.  I grew as an individual, have become more confident in myself and the things I can achieve and have taken some really nice photos and experienced some once in a lifetime events :) I want to first thank all of those who have supported me through this journey with mailed care packages or with emails and words of encouragement :) I missed you all while I was away and I am happy to be able to see all of your wonderful faces again in person! :) 

I have done crazy stuff like scuba diving, rafting, sky diving and bungie jumping.  I hiked through rainforests and deserts and surfed beautiful beaches and even though my exchange has now come to an end, I will keep my new found sense of adventure and continue to travel and live life to the fullest.  Already since I have been back I learned to shoot a rifle, went camping and took on life with a new revitalized spirit !

This may be the end of the Australia chapter for now, but isn't the last you will hear from the traveling nerd :)

Thanks to all my loyal fans and supporters! especially my GGF and my family :)

Till the next update!

Our last days and our trip to the Gold Coast

By now our exams are all done, we have finished all our assignments and are now preparing for our last cleaning inspection, closing all loose ends and saying goodbye to new friends.  The last few days were spent with the new friends we had made over the course of the semester, hanging out at our flat enjoy the last few days we would be calling this place home.

A last stroll in southbank

The city skyline, the last time we would see it :)

Our corridor :)
 We took the last couple of days to go back to gold coast and go see the hinterland (tropical rainforests and waterfalls) of the Gold Coast

Gold Coast Hinterland


Sushi with Dave :)

This brought us to our final cleaning and packing to leave the apartment.  It wasn't fun to leave but we were excited to come home and see our families and our old lives :)

Till the next update!

Direction: Cairns, waterfalls and rainforests!

We again found ourselves in a position to travel :) after having such an amazing time driving in western australia we decided to do the same thing but in queensland instead ... The plan was to head north and see how far we made it but we ultimately decided to drive all the way to Cairns (our total journey lasted 4200 Km) and spanned a large part of the east coast ! :)

Along the way we stopped for photo ops and food :)

The sunset behind the sugar cane trains

Roger on one of the magnificent beaches of the east coast of Australia

Rock, sand and water :)

Wind farm in Raven (top of the mountain)

Low tide

We would have loved to keep heading north but we ran out of time and had to come back to study for our last finals :) No worries we still got to see quite a bit :P

Till the next update!